Rifles are cleaned, oiled, sights set. Boxes and boxes of ammo. I'm sorting through undermawears looking for holy sets to leave behind. Leaving tomorrow at the crack of dawn for Camp Perry.
The ARs are in Eagle Industries cases ready to go. The Springfield, Garand and K31 are in gun socks zipped up in a big soft case. Taking five rifles for various matches. Going to use an M1A belonging to someone else for the Springfield Armory M1A match. That makes six. Will share my K31 around and probably the Garand.
I'm rifle rich, but they are all just passing through my hands. Its quite an honor to have them lubed and cleaned and stacked by the door ready to travel. Got a couple rifles loaned out to Breda and Mike that are already in Ohio. Probably shouldn't loan rifles to Yankees without making them sign some kind of non-aggression agreement against their fellow states but...missed my chance. They are going to come over and Mike is going to shoot Garands with us.
Ready to go. Just picking. There's always the slight surprise to live another year and be able to go to Camp Perry with heavily armed Texans, but here we are. This is my eighth trip. Be gone a couple weeks. Blogging from commercial row.