600 Mexican troops of the best battalions dead or wounded. Not even a hospital tent ready. Many die from unattended wounds over the next few days. 1/3 of the assault force gone. All Texican combatants are dead. Cool weather, (near freezing at night, mid 50s in the day) give the burial parties a little time. Santa Anna's staff urges haste but he lingers. There is the new bride and the weather is good. Goana is sent to Bastrop on the Colorado. Urrea and the excellent cavalry are operating along the coastal praries and sweeping up toward Goliad.
San Antonio could have been bypassed and a strike made against the rebels at Goliad. The Alamo garrison would have been isolated and cut off- made irrelevant. It was the site of Cos defeat and the spiritual capitol of Spanish Texas.
Houston is named Supreme Commander of the Texican forces and comes South, sending Fannin orders to retreat to Victoria.
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