Monday, March 16, 2009

Double Beaver Blogging

  Yo tengo muchos amigos detras los arboles.*

  Packing it in, head-first Beaver-fu.

  The famous double Beaver.

  Holy hydro-mammalian engineered excellence!  I'm over the hit limit of 400 a day for the first time.  Think I'll celebrate with a little double Beaver blogging!  Thanks, Uncleanche!

* I have many friends behind the trees.


Anonymous said...

Must be all the little teenage kids out on Spring Break looking for beavers.

Anonymous said...

Well hitting the 400 mark!

beavers sure are cute little bastards.

Anonymous said...

I mean't to say "well done for hitting the 400 mark!"

I should really proof read my comment ...

Robert Langham said...

Thanks, but now's last hour....up in the 500s now. Blowing my hair back. Uncleanched!