Heavily armed Texans at Camp Perry. We broke lots of state laws just transporting our rifles to the National Matches in Ohio. Hopefully, some of that will be past.
I'd be all for a constitutional reset by tossing out all case law and going back to the original documents. Congress shall make NO law and all that.
Happy day. Klansman Senator Robert Byrd goes to his reward, (should part of his reward be renaming all of the projects, bridges, roads and monuments he named after himself? All paid for with public money? Wouldn't that be a wonderful idea?), at the same time that the racist, un-American Chicago gun law is tossed.
Gun control advocates have lots of innocent blood on their hands. Think of the crime caused and lives lost by disarming the law abiding over the last 50 years. May God have mercy on those gun control folks. But on Earth they ought to be called to account.