Friday, July 1, 2011

International Railroad Smallbore Team at Camp Perry, 1929

All shooting bolt-action .22s. Some look to have weights taped to the front barrels.

Real men with small rifles.


Old NFO said...

Robert, you don't happen to have their names do you? I'm looking at the older gent middle row, left of center with the striped tie and glasses. Looks an awful lot like my Grandfather, who was an engineer for UP.

Robert Langham said...

I don't have any names but will take a look at the photo to see if there are any notations on the back.

Cincinnatus said...

What was hilarious for me was the juxtiposition with the ad below this which was for cosplay costumes.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures.
I'd say small calibre rifles, not small rifles, though...

Anonymous said...

The 9/11 truth is out on the internet.
This is the truth: The WTC was destroyed by 3 underground thermo-nuclear explosions. They were detonated by the US government which used this as an excuse to lead the US and its allies into invading Afghanistan and Iraq. All these wars and deaths were based on a lie.

Goebbels: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Will you help to tell the truth to the world?
Be sure to watch the 26 part video there.
#4 is on the built-in nuclear demolition scheme of the WTC
#14 in on Building 7, which collapsed even though no plane hit it.
#24/25 is on the chronic radiation sickness of the WTC responders

Anonymous said...

The 9/11 truth is out on the internet.
This is the truth: The WTC was destroyed by 3 underground thermo-nuclear explosions. They were detonated by the US government which used this as an excuse to lead the US and its allies into invading Afghanistan and Iraq. All these wars and deaths were based on a lie.

Goebbels: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Will you help to tell the truth to the world?
Be sure to watch the 26 part video there.
#4 is on the built-in nuclear demolition scheme of the WTC
#14 in on Building 7, which collapsed even though no plane hit it.
#24/25 is on the chronic radiation sickness of the WTC responders