Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday AM/PM

The Good Doctor came up to hunt. He held the chair in the corner and I was in my tree. Scrapes freshly worked....a lot. Nothing on cam. (I wonder how they do that?) 37 degrees, so it was like.....cold and junk. No wind. Nothing was going on until a doe crashed by Sneed with tail flagged up, followed by the sound of dogs...and another doe darting into the tall grass. She worked her way close to me and HID in the grass. I think she went to her knees. I could just see her head periscoping up watching the pooches. One of the dogs, a big lab, zig-zagged down until he was ten feet away from her. She held her ground until he actually looked in her eyes and then ran...straight at the Good Doctor. Sneed said she looked like she was going to steamroll him or jump over his shoulder at the woodline but swerved at the last moment. One of the dogs looked at him and growled. Civilized dogs. One had a collar. Black lab and a heeler mix. Bad business, chasing deer.

Nothing this evening. I'm officially hanging up my rattlin' horns. I think the deer have worked out all their regional differences.

Update: We shot his rifles at 500 to check the groups. From his 100 yard zero he was about four feet lower at 500 with his Cooper and Remington 700. Both of them were still grouping about six inches.

1 comment:

  1. Depredation by household pets is one of the most preventable forms of deer mortality. Fido hunts cause he wants to since he already has a food source at home. I always figured that folks who liked their dogs and wanted to keep them safe kept them at home. Reasonable minds may differ on this point. Glad y'all got out and went hunting.
