Saturday, November 28, 2009

What's the par on Tiger?

He looks like a long two-stroke to me. Tiger Woods gets beatabutta by wife....with golf club. Any gunnie worth his google-fu knows that more folks killed by doctors than guns in Obama's America, more folks injured and killed with blunt objects, (like a #3 wedge) than guns in Obama's America and more domestic violence injuries by hands and improvised cudgels than guns. Golf isn't a very safe sport, say compared to.....NRA Highpower Rifle Shooting! People of Obama's America, please! Lay down those Hogan drivers and topflites and take up guns! For the children! Most golf courses could and should be converted to skeet and smallbore ranges, with some Long Range and Highpower, plus action pistol thrown in. It's just common sense safety, after all.

So I'm not surprised. Nascar Drivers are statistically safer than golfers around those dangerous blunt objects. With all those wedges, drivers and putters laying around the house, Tiger was a domestic violence 9/11 call just waiting to happen.


  1. Maybe so but cheerleaders, they are the most dangerous sport. I mean have you watched the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader selection series on TV ?

  2. What's the old saw about a golf course being the willfull and intentional misuse of a perfectly good rifle range.

    Eagle 1
