Friday, November 27, 2009

SS says: Obama safe!

Sure he was. His security couldn't do the FIRST thing you try to do: limit attendance to folks actually invited, but the Big O was safe. Never in danger.

If you believe that you are safe when your security can't do the first and simple things, then you are going to LOVE nationalized health care, which, I might add, won't cost anyone a dime.

Update: Noonan: They're amateurs.

Update the second: They did get their hands on the O. For this, the clamor arises to prosecute them. The press and hacks get it bass-ackwards, as usual. They deserve thanks for exposing shoddy security. The heads of SECURITY should roll.

Update the third: Unserious folks stroll through security, that means ZERO, Niltch, NADA serious folks are even TRYING to get to the President, or Biden, Reps, Senators, Bureaucrats, Tax Collectors, LEOs or their families, or anyone. Serious folks could have any of these peoples heads in a sack by next Thursday, but they aren't even making an effort. Great Satan indeed. So there's that very good news. We are wide open to attack at any point from any quarter at any time, but nobody is interested at present or we would be in ruins.

If it was Swiss or Germans, instead of Jihadic mass murderers, we'd be toast. Assimilated Islamonuts in the Army can slaughter folks with a pistola in the middle of the biggest Army Post in the known universe, but the organized folks aren't bothering to field 10 Malvo and Muhammed old-car sniper teams (for about 200K, delivered, total), to shut down the US economy. Be thankful they are leaving it to amateurs, part timers and Harry Reid. We'd be beatabutta.

Update the fourth: No Dithering!


  1. Read way back when that the clintons had the Military guards at the WH serving tea and crumpets at their parties.

    Now, the SS has been denegrated to letting in reality stars because the ObaMaos want TV time.

    Would the adults in DC please stand up!!!

  2. I swear one day we are going to meet a serious enemy and Pearl Harbor will look like just a Longview air show. 9/11 will be just a 3 alarm fire compared to what happens.

    Instapundent is right, the Obama presidency is making it look like having another Jimmy Carter is the [b]BEST[/b] scenario we can expect.
