Sunday, June 7, 2009

Congrats! It's a fawn!

  The younger doe.  See those ribs and that dent in front of her hindquarter?  Compare with earlier shots several posts down.

  Baby has arrived.  On the 3rd or 4th. Wednesday or Thursday.

 Smoke 'em if you got em, you're all godparents of a healthy whitetail fawn born on TMA property and stashed somewhere close!  Mom looks fine.  Going to double the corn.  She was at the cam site when I drove up.  First time to ever see her with my own eyes.  She left, but not in a panic.  The baby has to be somewhere on the hillside across the creek .  Older cat-cut doe not on cam.  She must have her own thicket.  Across the road perhaps.  

  Let's get a drink!

Update: This is in a busy part of Tyler, Texas, a city of 100K.

Update II:  I claim these deer as Christians, NOT Muslims.  Just saying.  Methodists, probably.

Update III: Looking at past cam files, I think the fawn was born between 2-3:30 on Thursday the 4th within 100 yards of the cam.

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