Sunday, June 7, 2009

Shoot 'em up Saturday followed by Stupidity Sunday.

  Three bucks for a Sunday Dallas Morning News.  Wonder how much longer until this paper is gone forever?  Fun to breeze through, but I wish I was paying with Obamabucks instead of real money.  Wonder if I can get a stimulus grant to read this thing?
  Having a cup of coffee and minding my own business at Cafe Tzza with the redhead....when I hit Parade Magazine.  Stoopid.

  SO hard for a liberal mind to understand the world.  Gosh!   Why can't we just outlaw those horrible guns and end this terrible violence!  Can't everyone see it would be best for the children?

  SO hard.  The dangerous point is that they crank this idiocy out without a flinch or thought.

  Saturday at Panola: a better day.  193 offhand at 200 yards.  That's a 94 and a 99.  Nothing out of the black.  Since it was Panola, three guys shot better scores.  30+ shooters.  Four or five High Masters and Distinguished pins all around.  At 600 the rifle shot really well.  No stuck cases since I used brass sized by RVO.  192X7 at 600.  Had a late 7 and one 8.  Ruined a good score and finished with a 779X23 out of 800.

  Had two shooters along, one an 18 year old military policeman shooting the first highpower match he had ever heard of.  Lotta new folks shooting at Panola.  Be very afraid if you are Parade.  If you are the Dallas Morning News you can kiss your ass goodbye.

Update:  As a recycling fool with a deer-track sized carbon footprint, I dropped the paper by mom's.  Just put the two kids 176 .223 cases in the tumbler.


  1. Wow! I read the polling data on the Parade Magazine article online. 94% favor loosening gun laws. Bet they didnt figure on that happening. Article quotes as an authority the Johns Hopkins research group. Too bad they didnt show how many millions of dollars the virulently anti-gun Joyce Foundation gives Johns Hopkins every year in grants to research and report on "gun violence issues".

    I remember a few years ago when J-H published a study that said pediatricians should ask children if their parents had guns in the house and record their answers in their files. Soon the Obama healthcare folks will have electronic access to those files. Oh yeah Obama used to do 'work' for the Joyce Foundation and served on its board too. I'm sure its just a coincidence.

  2. Yeah... We subscribed to the DMN, weekends only, until recently.

    I read my news online, or listen on the radio, so the Mrs. just wanted the newspaper for the coupons. I finally convinced to cancel the subscription a couple of weeks ago. Haven't missed it a bit.

  3. It was Sudoku for my better half. Once I showed her some sites where she could print out as many as she liked, it was "goodbye Boston Globe".

    Sure cut down on the amount we recycle. Heh.
