Sunday, June 7, 2009

Obama Beach and the Mayor of St-Lo

  Obama had been to a muslim student, and maybe Hawaii, depending on who you believe, but never to Europe or Britain.  I know he is a constitutional law professor...but do you think his education MIGHT be just a little light in US and world military history?

  Probably the first US president who has never seen The Longest Day, much less Saving Private Ryan.  Or fired any type of military firearm.  He's a babe in many matters.

  So, after wowing the Muslims with his coolness in Cairo and undercutting the Israelis, he gets to go on a walking tour of Buchenwald with Elie Wiesel and then on to Normandy.  President no-clue gets to tour the graveyard and battlesite.  Can you imagine touring a German death camp with a survivor?  I bet at some level, it freaked out his uneducated coolness.  

  Here's to learning about the world.

Update:  Obama is back in DC, Michelle and the girls are staying to shop an extra day.  Today is the anniversary of the assault.  By this time of day, the troops were moving off the beaches and going inland, but not very far.  It would take Operation Goodwood to break out of the hedgerows.  And they had to take Carentan, and pay proper homage to the Mayor of St Lo.  Then beat the Germans back and trap them before they got through the Faliase Gap.  Waverly Wray did his part. 
  Think Obama knows even ONE of these names?  Or cares to?

1 comment:

  1. He is as clueless to US History as he is to its future.P.S. Love your blog, very informative. My Garand was produced 65 years ago this month.
