Friday, January 30, 2009


  As a New Years resolution I decided to limit my already small carbon footprint.  It's not like I don't pursue green strategies already: I eat free-range, organic meat that I harvest myself, using vintage tools.  I recycle metal sporting components.  I use the web as a vector for information rather than paper.  I've nearly quit using photographic film and chemistry.  I've got ten year old shirts and 30 year old boots in my closet.  What's left?
  Well, those dang styrofoam cups are left.  The redhead and I go through about four a day at Taco Wacco and Brady's.  It was easy to cut the numbers by rinsing them out and reusing them.  My pledge was to cut my usage by half or more and walk lightly on our Gaia.
  I think I am getting there.  The Starbucks cup went to Brady's all week,  (they give you two anyway), though the first day the coffee tasted burnt.  The girls at Taco Wacco have got the word and after the big cups go bad I use them to haul brass back and forth from the lab.
  I'll go one on one with Al Gore anytime.

Udate:  Heck, yes I've firewalked.

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