Friday, January 30, 2009

Lance Armstrong, Facist.

  I know!  Let's use the power of government to do WONDERFUL THINGS!!!!

  Once we get started- by banning smoking, we should ban drugs.  That ought to work well!  Or let's make folks who live less than five miles from work ride bikes at least twice a week.  I know it sounds a little harsh at first, but wait until they notice the fitness and ecological benefits, plus the camraderie, et, et.  Just focus on how WONDERFUL the outcome would be!

  Payroll withholding, seatbelt laws, felony for not returning library books, trans-fats, heck, there is NO END to the wonderful things we could do to make the world a better place! 

  Lance Armstrong is a wonderful athlete and probably a great team leader, but in this instance he is a tool of evil.  

  We are going to have to fight evil, sooner or later.

  Obama and the Democratic party just maxed out the credit card.  States are tumbling into bankruptcy like dominos.  How is it that a rich, healthy, famous, well-traveled Texan could turn out to be closet facist?  

  I expect Americans, and especially Texans, to support freedom and liberty...I know, let's make a LAW!!!


  1. Good God. He hung out with Sheryl Crow too long. Bold, my ass.

    This reminds me of the PBS show/series/whatever I saw with the ever-wonderful Michael a year or 2 ago. Alan Alda hosting some nonsense about cars, talking to somebody at Toyota, looking at their hybrid car or electric car, or some "green" car, and acually asking the Toyota guy that, well, if you know this car is better for the planet, why do you even offer other cars? Dumb, dumb, dumbass. Of course, we thought it was hysterical but really kinda scary.

  2. I vote for becoming a soverign Republic again, and move the capitol to Pampa or Giddings to cut down on the time the Legislature is in session due to weather extremes.

    Couldn't hurt.

    We could let the State Guard handle the whole border problem....both south and north.


  3. I don't smoke. But I don't CARE of others smoke. The smoking-nonsmokeing sections are fine. Funny, with all the health care financal problems and Social Security running out of money, you would think they'd want everyone to smoke!
