Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Rangel Rule

  There has been some coverage of this but not as much as there ought to be.  The Rangle Rule, introduced by Republican Texas Congressman John Carter would eliminate penalties for late tax payments to the IRS- just like the penalties for the head of the tax-writing committee were dropped.  I'm for it and more.  Goose and gander laws ought to be adopted to equalize the treatment of American citizens before the law.  There are a LOT of these kinds of things going on.   Either we are all equal, or we aren't, and right now we aren't.  That's just wrong.  Equal protection under the law is THE basic American Idea.

  Update:  Yeah, Carter is an inspiring guy.  This is the kind of thing I wish all of them were doing until government comes to it's senses.  Actualy, it just needs to be scaled back like a fat guy who eats 100.00 wagyu steaks compulsively.  Uh....which it does.  Another reason why Coryn's vote for Obama's tax-cheating Treasury Secretary is so confusing.  What the hell are these people doing?

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