Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gun Bloggers Log Hog Candy Dogless Clog

  A buxom woman in a swirling peasant skirt danced barefoot on the pistol-stewn tabletop as the enthusiastic crowd clapped rhythmically.  In the firelight a beetle-browed yet distinguished man plunked a banjo, the notes piercing the smoky air like hellfire missiles descending on two muslims digging a hole near Basra.

  "This must be the place," I mumbled to the Redhead as we shouldered through the door.

  Just back from meeting the analog versions of various gun bloggers who congregated at RanchoRita's dogless domicle.  How do the carbon-based 3-D versions compare to the denizens of Texas firearm cyberspace?  Well, nobody exuded noxious odors or wore pajamas and everyone seemed to have brought something to eat even if many snacks were not bacon-based.

  We had LawdogFarmgirl, The Keyboard part of the .45, Holly, Rita, Alan, Old NFO, 2Amusing, aepilot, Matt G, Expert Witness, and other assorted henchmen, minions, lackeys and freeholders .  No lists were made nor photos permitted though Alan did bridge time and space and get St. Breda and Mike on the baby computer from somewhere in storied frozen Ohio.  They couldn't hear the punch lines but nodded happily from time to time.  I think they groked the basics.   If they didn't, there was always another round of bacon.  

  Excuse me while I go update my blogroll with these excellent people.

Update:  Heck yeah, I saw the miracle of the disappearing lipstick! 


  1. It was great to meet you and the redhead today!

    You've almost got me convinced to do rifle competition now.

  2. All you have to do is go.

    Nice to see you in person and get to be around the crowd. The Redhead and I decided We Like Rita.

  3. Same here! The party FINALLY broke up... :-) It was great to meet you and Red, and I do hope to get a chance to shoot with you one of these days! Linking you also.

  4. It was great to meet y'all. Looking forward to the next time, most assuredly.


  5. I had a grand time, and you and the Redhead were fabulous guests. Thank you so much for honouring us with your presence!

  6. I don't know if you noticed, but I stole a footstool, some silverware and three sticks of butter.

  7. Come to that, I WAS missing that butter!

  8. You were out of bacon.

  9. Time to update your "bloggers I've met" list.
