Friday, January 30, 2009

Bringing the Big Guy home.

 2008, 2000, 1999. 

  I've had my this year's deer up at the studio since his skull and horns came out of the pot.  Nice deer.  Brought him home to hand next to some of the others at the house.  He's one of the bigger ones.  The two oldest bucks measure a solid 11 inches from the base of their skull to the tip of the upper lip.  Their skulls look more solid and developed.  This years is 17 1/4 inside spread.  The previous big, a 1999 138 1/4 deer is 15 inches.

  Fortunate to get him, but there were three other bigger bucks on cam out there.

  No more 2 1/2 year old bucks like the 1999 deer.

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