Friday, October 17, 2008

Daily Deercam

  Across the creek to screw a few metal cleats in a likely tree and check the cam.  Creek still up enough to make a dicey crossing.

  Creek cam as nutty as ever.  Crazy exposures and glow-in-the-dark deer.  I wouldn't bother posting a pure white file.  How hard can it be to make an auto exposure on a closed system?
Last night at Academy I looked at a bunch of cams.  Most of them take D batteries.  I don't want to get into buying batteries.  You spend a fortune, even if they do promise 60 days.  I doubt that.

  Scrapes untouched since the rain.  They tore them open, used them, then took a break.  One big deer print on the closer cam.  They are around.

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