Friday, October 17, 2008


  Last night the Fabulous Redhead and I drove way down Broadway, nearly out of the county to wander the new Academy Store.  I wanted some screw-in tree climbing cleats and a rechargeable lantern battery to replace on that has given up the ghost.  On the way down we watched gas prices.  2.81 was the low.  My gas light was on but I was on momentary gas strike:  No gas for me until it was under 2.80.
  This morning at Brookshire's Grocery store: 2.63.  Going the right direction, and I notice this occurred without ANY help from the Government.  
  Just think if they actually HELPED.  We still haven't drilled ANWR.  We still haven't reduced the boutique gasolines they require.  Refining capacity about the same.  Nukes are expanding but they ought to be booming.
  Meanwhile, I am reducing my carbon footprint by hunting my own food and using rechargeables.

  Power to the people!

Update: 2.59 on Monday.

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