Sunday, October 19, 2008

Daily Deercam

  This doe may look goofy but she's going to be a hot ticket in about five or six days.  Bucks will be fighting it out over her while she runs all over the Butler Creek watershed.  The twins will be on their own for a bit.

  This buck looks big, but notice his horns aren't wider than his ears- about 13 inches.  This year they ought to be.  Nice tines.  Great genetics.

  Scrapes still untouched since the rain a couple days back.  Big tracks crossing the creek back and forth and along various woodlines.  New rub, the first one, in the pasture.  Glitchy Moultrie shoots three frames of nothing, probably during the set-up/card swap.  
  Doc Sneed drove up to shoot his rifles at 300 yards.  We did, along with Wilson's 1903A3 he hasn't seen yet, plus a AR carbine and K31 with unzeroed scope.  The K31 scope, (a nice Leupold 4-12), ran out of elevation and left windage while I was bore-sighting it.  Not good.  Brownells K31 side mount doesn't point the scope anywhere close.  I shot it with open sights and it's OK.  Hoping to shoot does with all those rifles, plus a few more.
  We went to the lake a looked at tracks and deersign and talked deer hunting tactics and Whitetail biology.  The green Walmart chair got modified (arm cut off on one side and jammed into a tree fork 15 feet off the ground) plus a few saplings mysteriously disappeared opening up sight lines up an abandoned road and back toward the camera and scrape.  Nice to have help.  Hoping to rattle up a big buck in there 12 days from now.  The one in the photo is standing at the cam site last year.  He wasn't ready to be shot then, at 2 1/2 years, but this year he's probably just about right.
  Still can't figure why I'm not seeing bucks on the cams.  First time ever for that in four years of camming.  Oh well.  God's will.  I'm going to sit in a tree with a rifle anyway.


  1. Let me know when I can get the "Jap" in your hands, maybe too late for you sight the rifle before you try for deer.

  2. I'm a quick study with old rifles. Probably wouldn't be a problem. We'll be shooting through Feb.
