Friday, September 19, 2008

Talk Like John Garand Day

 Actually, it's Talk Like a Pirate Day.  Seems harmless enough.  Might be more fun to have a Talk Like a Rapper Day, Talk Like a Terrorist Day, (pirates were the terrorists of their time, no?)  Talk Like Your Dog Day, Talk Like Your Parents Day, Talk Like a Slave, et.


  1. In my world it always seems to be "talk like a cat" day.
    Which, when translated to English, means "let's eat!"

  2. So it's "Talk like John C. Garand Day", eh?

    Glad to participate. I've always had the utmost respect for our neighbors to the north. Despite their poxy lefist government.
    They used to have elan. In the 60's President Johnson appoints a commission to study the nation's teens. Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau marries one.
