Saturday, September 20, 2008

House-sitting and Hummingbirds.

 The Redhead is house sitting a couple of homes, one of which has a small dog pack and a bird.  The other house is for psychotic cats.  Pretty wild.
  One bird of three left, an African Grey, who didn't used to say much except "Pretty Bird" and "Sally"  Sally is the Rat Terrior's name- the same rat terrier that ate the other two birds.
  Now the parrot won't say anything except "Bad Sally!  Bad Sally!" all the time.
  They leave the back door cracked open at the dog house so the pack will have access to the yard.  Yesterday two hummingbirds were trapped in the house.  One got out but the other was still there in the late afternoon and weakening.  I caught it off a chandelier with my hands.  As much as I would have love to keep it to photograph I instead carried it outside and let it go.  It flew up and landed next to another hummer in the tree across the fence.  Probably forgot all about being caught before it got there.  I hardly even looked at it.

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