Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Daily Deercam

  Baited the Hav-a-heart with catfood.  Coon war is hot.  Nothing but coons on cam, though I had a battery die quickly.  27 images.  Mowed.  Burned.  All the peasant stuff.  Seems a little pointless when you read that career politician  Jamie Gorelick took home 26 million from Fannie Mae for mismanagement.
  And here I am picking up twigs like an idiot.
  Maybe Obama is right.  I should have been a lawyer or a community organizer instead of wasting time with deercams, oily rags and old guns.

  Update:  One coon posted to Coon Heaven.  (just down the road from Hog Heaven.)  Used a Standard Products M1 Carbine.  Two fawns and mom + button buck fawn and mom on BOTH cams about 500 yards apart.  Interesting thing is they aren't crossing the creek where I thought EVERYthing  crossed the creek...(no tracks on the sand bank) So, where the heck are they crossing?

Update:  In Comments, the question was raised as to whether the .30 carbine was too much for a mere coon.  It absolutely is.  Shot a skunk with it last year, and a doe.


  1. As compared to the sniveling bastard COE's, most of us a just wasting our time.
    How many millions did Chuck Prince take out of Citigroup or Stan Neil at Merrill Lynch?
    Congress should investigate what corporate managements had done with their shareholder's money.
    People are put in jail for much less.

  2. Become a lawyer....?

    Then what, town mayor, then state senator, then US Congressman....
    where does it end.

    The horror!


  3. Is .30 Carbine "overkill" for a raccoon? I thought a .22 would be fine. I don't know much about varmit hunting. At least you didn't bring out the Garand. Any excuse to fire a M1 carbine is good enough reason for me.

  4. Well, you know, Colonel Cooper observed that shotgunners tended to have money while riflemen tended to be broke.
    Maybe that's why whenever a lying politician (redundancy alert), whenever he wants to show he is supporting the 2nd Amendment poses for pictures with a shotgun.
    I can only think of two politicians who supported the rifle sports, so to speak; Theodore Roosevelt and Davey Crockett.
