Friday, September 25, 2009


I swear I just want to post files from my deercams and have lunch at Taco Wacco with the Redhead but I do need to note that this is my local school district that I pay for with my property taxes. Big cafeteria fight, (not a food fight), and then killing a guitar teacher? Who kills guitar teachers? With a knife? How did the school GET guitar teachers?

John Tyler is my alma mater. The school I went to way back in the mists of time when we had glaciers and wooly mammoths in the parking lot. We had a band, not guitars. I played a stone coronet and the drill team girls had tusks and fur. Then the comet came. Oh how things have changed!

We Tylerites pay 8,300.00 per student per year to educate children. The local private schools average annual charge is 7,000.00, so there's another shark jumped. Pay MORE! Get LESS!

If they didn't have the guns, jails and appraisal district I'm not sure I would be good for my fair share.

Update: Some friend in email suggested to not be a hater and go learn the Obama song. Now that's a helpful suggestion! Ummm, Ummm, UM!

1 comment:

  1. But you've gotta feel for the private school kids parents. They pay the taxes to support the public schools and then get to pay again to send their kids to a good private school! Oh well.
