Friday, September 25, 2009

Religion of Peace.

Nice guy. Beltbuckle with a pistol on it in rhinestones. Liked techno music. Smoked. Played with the kids. Always good for a ride in his Honda. Jordanian. Hard worker at a smokehouse. Drank. Had a couple of earrings.

Now all of those things will be banned by the TSA.

Can you find Jordan on a map?......cause this guy sure could find Dallas. Good thing all his bomber friends and suppliers were FBI agents. Sooner or later though, some Islamic true believer is going to get all the maps marked and wires connected. Any competent terrorist group could shut down the country in five days or two news cycles for less than 100K with multiple Malvo and Muhammed teams. Thank goodness for the backwardness of Islam, I guess.

Obama will be very troubled, and I just hate that for him.

Note to self: Two earrings, techno music Ipod, smoking with a rhinestone pistol buckle, the faint scent of smokehouse pork = SHOOT! SHOOT NOW!!!!

Update: A little grousing on the web about how helpful the FBI is to this guy. Heck, just because they chat him up with a fake sleeper Jihad cell, buy his bomb car, build his bomb, detonator and drive the getaway folks think this Jordanian is being entrapped? Sheesh. It's not like they picked his prayer rug for him did they? No. So there!

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