Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday deercam

  This is a cheap Moultrie that overexposes and gives bad color though it is running and not giving me whiteout files.

 Crows, coons and a doe and her buck fawn across the creek.  I reset the coon trap with catfood.  No mice mime-ing in the traps.  Love to know where everyone is.  There is deer sign around.  Fresh enough, just not many on the cams.  Wonder what some buck spray would bring up?
  Coons digging holes in the corn broadcast area and sifting the sand.  Dog tracks in the creek clay at the crossing.

1 comment:

  1. Take some duct tape and cover up 1/4 of the infrared LED flash bulbs (to start with and adjust more or less from there). That should cut down on the overexposure.
