Monday, January 19, 2009


  Is anyone out there insulted by the non-stop media coverage of the inauguration?  It's not just the hypocrisy about the cost- (4X the cost of a Bush inauguration that got heavily criticized for it's expense), and it's not the teen-level fawning and obsession with his Obamaness.  It's the blatant belief that it's some kind of MIRACLE that a racist nation like the United States of America would elect someone with a little melanin in his skin as president.
  I never held the belief that a person of color- any color, could win the presidency.  Heck, I've known several folks of various races who I thought would be wonderful chief executives.  Women too, while we are at it.  I liked Colin Powell.  I liked Ann Richards.  I don't see what skin melanin has to do with it.  
  Since I don't consider the present US a racist nation, (try Egypt, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe, India, China, Korea or Russia), I don't consider this some great leap forward into a new racial consciousness.  If you do then I hope you get over your prejudices and start looking at the content of a persons character and not the color of their skin.
  Congratulations to the President on Inauguration Day.  May he serve with dignity, honor, fairness and a sense of Constitutional order.


  1. Thank you. I keep wondering where all these people live - these people who seem so stunned that Obama could be elected, all these people who seem to be surrounded by racists who would never vote for a person who is not white. I am thankful to not be where they are - I am thankful to live where we see people as people, not colors.

    That said, I will retreat into girl stuff & mention that Michelle O. wears clothes well. She looks great.

    :) Debi

  2. You might want to carefully re-read your third paragraph, I don't think your intended meaning was conveyed properly in the first sentence. :)

    Yes, it is insulting, and I can't even escape this crap at work either.

  3. Total BS. I'm about to vomit, frankly. My only hope is that the America that emerges in 4 years bears some resemblance to the America we have today.

  4. Very well said...
    Thank you!HODGITZ
