Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Deer Regs via Catfish

  And the guys at the Texian Tattler.  Via the Beaumont paper.  Lots of info about proposed new deer regs. 

  There are so many, of course, they could scrap the whole program and list them as vermin....but the state never backs up.  Especially from cash

  Not seeing many shootable does during legal shooting hours up at Clarksville.  Trying to figure out the reasons why.  We are stuck at 8 deer and have tags for about 40.  Doe shooting goes through February.


  1. It is interesting to see what huge bag limits you have for deer. Here in Colorado, we are just a few years out of a half decade of limited deer tags due to a population decline earlier in the decade that's never been well explained.

  2. Not only that, but have you read where TPW is looking at what effect non toxic shot will have on dove hunting as well??

    From what I could tell about the deer hunting regs, looks like they're generally expanding bag limits on deer; but non toxic shot on dove would not be pleasant!

  3. Non-toxic (Steel) shot on doves would kill the sport much as it has on waterfowl. There was never any scientific factual study done to determine whether or not non-toxic shot was necessary. Apparently all the scientists in the world simultaneously forgot that lead sublimates.

    Steel shot is the pits and the only reasonable alternative is bismuth which is very very expensive averaging something like a dollar a shotshell. If they require this for doves most folks will simply quit hunting them and that would kill the business of collecting license revenues and millions of dollars would be lost every year from hotel room rentals ad infinitum.

    As for deer, the antler size restriction for bucks is a good thing. I would hate to see them abandon that. Killing does and spike bucks is a very good thing and anything that makes that easier is something I would support but I have always thought that buck deer tags should be issued to the landowners not placed on every hunting license sold in the state.
