Friday, January 2, 2009

Coon War: Cease Fire ended.

  Six coons fluffing the duff over at the far cam.  Trap now set and waiting.

  Little buck butts on the close cam.

  Five coons on the close cam.  War resumes.

  Moved the Hav-a-Hart over the creek and baited it with dry catfood.  I've had a quorum of coons over there for a while sucking up every last kernel of corn.  Today's check showed the ground fluffed by little coon paws with an overlay of fresh small deer prints.  Nice, but it's over.
  No mice in the traps for the first check.  Maybe I picked up all the extras.
  These mammals are pretty successful.
  On the reptile front I smelled a big snake at the creek crossing.  He had to have been there sunning a little bit before, or was there and I couldn't see him.  76 and sunny- nice break from hibernating to crawl out and solar collect like the Redhead on my shooting mat back at the house.  Very distinct smell and I gave it a good look.  Leaves down so the visibility is as good as it gets.  Nothing.  There though, and close.
  Close cam had a couple little bucks and too many coons.  After I reduce the numbers across the creek I'll trap there.
  Shot the suppressed rifle a bit.  Need to go bench it and really find a load.  3.5 Titegroup under a 77 Sierra isn't enough yet.  No stuck bullets, but they are hitting low.  Going to try 3.7 titegroup and see if that produces a sonic crack.
  I bet I get dogs attacking the coons in the trap.  Several circulating.  Going to carry the suppressed AR.  Big shootout in the morning.
  Perfect Texas winter weather.  76 feels hot.  40s at night.

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