Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The End of Racism

  I THOUGHT most of it was BS, it felt like it was BS, my experience was that it was BS, and I was RIGHT.  I didn't think there were enough Klan members in the whole US, (including Democrat Sen. Robert Byrd) to make a softball team, or enough skinheads to hold a car wash.  There aren't.  Americans elected a Black man to the office of President by a considerable margin.  It's over.  Racism is dead.
  I'm very jazzed about this!  All that Million Man stuff and Farakhan stuff and lectures about being kept down, white guilt, the history of slavery, et, et, turn out to be mere shadows and ghosts or at least not applicable any more.  I'm amped!  Martin King asked how long people had to suffer?  Well, not past Nov 4, 2008! 


  1. Racism is dead.
    I'll believe that when I see a black Republican elected.

  2. Racism is officially over. It was already over - like you said, you knew it was BS - or Obama would never have been elected. I am weary of being told how racist I am for not supporting him. I invite all those people who have called me such to one of my family reunions - which include black folks, Hispanics, Asians, native Americans (at least partly, including yours truly). I am tired of it all. We left racism behind long ago. As you knew.

  3. There are still a few...a few too many.
    Not all are in the South, Michigan has it's share.
    But it is dying and none too soon.

  4. Yep. Now we can end all those affirmative action programs and educational set-asides. Bet that was why Jesse Jackson was crying at the Obama victory celebration last night. Now he'll have to find an honest job and quit blackmailing corporations thru his Rainbow Coalition scheme.

    You think that now we can do things based on merit? I wont be holding my breath. Nothing like that will ever change.
