Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Big Ten

  Big Ten and his brother, Big Eight were the first deer I got on my cam when I put it out in 2005.  I could hardly tell one from another at first, but I learned.  Big Eight got shot from the road in November of 2005 but Big Ten made it though the season though he tore off an antler fighting in December.  He was 2 1/2 years old.

  The next year he grew a stunted palmated antler out of the ruined socket.

  In 2007 he grew a bigger palmated antler on the bad side.

 On the good side he was a solid typical six point.  He'd be a big twelve if he had both antlers.  He's got good tine length and mass.  Quite a buck.  He's 4 1/2 in this photo.

  This year he is 5 1/2 and bigger and burlier than ever.  I haven't seen him on cam but did see him in person.  The ruined side is big, but goes straight up, a lot like in 2007 but as tall as the other side.  On the good side he is a massive six.  

 Great genetics.  I hope he breeds every doe in the watershed.

1 comment:

  1. "I hope he breeds every doe in the watershed."
    So does he, and he's trying!!!
    Hopefully he'll live long enough to get the job done.
