Monday, September 1, 2008

Sweating Gustav

  Doesn't look like much fun in Louisiana but here we had the first few drops of rain at about 5:00.  On the satellite we are pretty far out on the weak side of the storm.  The first projections had it coming to the house here in the Azalea District but later tracks bend it further and further to the east.  Hope the levy holds.  Pretty rough on the coast around Morgan City.
  Tyler Junior College, ETMC, University of Tyler all taking refugees.  This morning at IHOP we saw truckload after truckload of game wardens pull in for breakfast.  Rare to see that many in one group.  We heard horror stories from the waitress at Ihop, the teller at Target but they were in the drama of it and not watching the internet.  I feel as god-like as Obama, being able to watch it on satellite and internet.  Wild stuff.  The wind ran south all morning (thats where we were in the counterclockwise rotation) and only now is starting to change a bit.  The Redhead thinks the new media gets everyone a little too ginned up.
  Just being observers here.  Some folks, Xavier- are neck deep in the center of it.

  CNN has a report on gun confiscation from folks being evacuated.  Figures.

Update: Drizzling rain here all day.  Weather channel shows Arkansas getting rain.  Big rain in Vicksburg this morning as folks were going back to Mississippi.
  Big difference watching this storm as opposed to standing on the back of the galleon saying, "you think the wind is coming around a little this afternoon, Jore?"

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