Monday, September 1, 2008

Hannity, Colmnes and Rove

  Hannity didn't have much credibility with me after sucking up to Karl Rove, who, judged by results, destroyed the Republican party.  The "Architect" of losing the house, the Senate and now probably the Presidency.  Some genius.  Some CONSERVATIVE deep thinker.
  Oh yeah.
  He's got less, dipping into the negatives if he doesn't fire his so-called co-host after Alan Colmes despicable remarks about Sarah Palin's last pregnancy.
 I always thought Colmes was lucky to have this gig, being a blow-up punching bag for Sean on the show, but this kind of idiotic hate speech shouldn't be tolerated.
  So Sean, old buddy, are you just a "ho-ho-ho-host-along kind of celebrity media creation or do you actually have ANY real beliefs?

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