Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Prep and wait.

   When I was a kid we used to have relatives for Freeport, Surfside and LaMarque come stay with us at the family house during hurricanes.  I can remember as a grade-schooler standing in the driveway watching clouds fly by overhead during one of the storms.  We never GOT much storm, just cousins camped out on the living room floor for a few days.

  This is a bigger deal.  I've never known the surge to be so high, deep and early plus with the internet folks seem to make a bigger deal of it all having more and better info.  You can see the damn thing on satellite, updated every few hours or watch Galveston flood on webcam.

  Just sprinkling here with a little wind stirring now and again in Tyler.  Going to go gas up and buy a few tag ends of groceries.   I'll be checking on neighbors and friends and hoping for the best for those down south.

Update:  If I was on the seawall I would be very tempted to fire a few rounds of 30-06 out into the center of the storm, just because.  Out of a Garand, of course. 

Update II:  Bloggers.  Webcams.  Live streaming.  Emails.  Satellite.  Radar.  Infared. Surge maps.  You can get info on this monster and instant updates from 100s of different sources.  Remember when you just read about this kind of thing in the next days newspapers?  Or watched a channel or two on TV?  Crazy.  Just as crazy as letting the few newspapers and TVs tell us what is going on with an election.

1 comment:

  1. I stopped by the store for ice this morning at 9 - just a few bags still remained. Parking lot was FULL & when I got back into the car, a woman was on the radio -she'd called the Glenn Beck show to tell them she was sitting in a grocery store parking lot in Tyler (at which point I started looking around) & that bottled water was flying off the shelves. i don't know where she was, but she was right. Craziness. I bought cokes, ice, bread & cat food. Tonight I'll stop by the drugstore & pick up some Pepto-Bismol. I'm thinking seriously of buying rubber boots.
