Thursday, September 11, 2008


  I was on a morning consult for a photoshoot when the media contact person for the company leaned out of his office and said "You better come look at this."  He had a bank of TVs set up so he could watch several channels at once.  The first World Trade Center Tower was burning on one of them.
  That afternoon I was going to Dallas to do a photoshoot of the North Texas Tollway.  It cancelled.  Everything cancelled except for watching the horror unfold in New York and the East coast.
  Congrats to the Bush Administration for keeping the country safe the last seven years.  Here's to hoping the next administration is up to the task.
  I don't think this is done but today I'm mindful of the blood and treasure poured out so far.

1 comment:

  1. I had to go to the Atlantic County (NJ) Emergency Response Center. The strangest feeling was driving on the NJ Turnpike and AC Expressway in the middle of the morning and there was nobody on the roads.

    Never Forget!

    Ratcatcher 55
