Wednesday, August 27, 2008


  Starting the extraction from vacationland and your Maine.  Long trip.  Many disses by the TSA and travel police to endure, but we expect to be back in the Lone Star and our own bed tonight.

  As Crockett eulocated before traveling to be kilt by the Mexican hordes: You folks can go to hell.  I'm going to Texas.

  Real vacation up here.  Amazing country.  Fabulous folks all around.  Perfect host and host dog.  Leaving with many wistful thoughts while glad to be getting back into our lives.

  Update:  First you eat breakfast with Mainers but in the parking lot there is one guy from Tennesee asking about the lobster traps loaded on the back of a pickup.  
  Then you drive to L.L.Bean, full of folks from all over.
  At Logan, its Bostoneers mixed with the world, less Mainers.  At your gate, its some internationals and the few Texans going home to Dallas.
  At DFW, people look familiar.  Soldiers.  Black folks.  Texans.  Mexicans.  At the waiting area for Tyler there are actual people from home.
  Then you fly home and its all Tylerites, plus your own cat.  The world has sorted itself back to being home.
  And glad to be there.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking for all of TEXAS,we're looking forward to your return, and Robert's as well.
