Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cash Money, por los Hermanos de los Musica Maxima en el Maina

  We drove the back way into Surry along Maine Hwy 1.  Playhouse and opera palaces abound.  There's a big business in the summer in theatre and music performances to confound and amaze the locals and the tourist trade.
  As near as I can tell, Mainers see a brother about once a month.  Mexicans are spotted about as often as Zebras, which is not very damn often.
  I can get back down to Taco Wacko and chat up Arial and Martha and put together a singing and dancing group, featuring Los Hombres y Hermanos de Los Musica Maxima and come up here to make the circuit next summer.  Mainers have never seen rapping, much less sagging and I think los musica de los Atalazan singing about La Vida Triste, El Norte, Los Primos de Noche and getting vajo con las Gente would be a big draw.  Touring in low riders and pickups we'd knock em dead.  At the end of every run we could add a little performance art in these unlocked designer mansions and haul away expensive outerwear, designer cookware and assorted electronics and make a killing.  Those low riders would be scraping on the way back to los Tejas with all the loot and cash on board.

  Update: Even in the summer if we come up here sagging our Northface 2-Season Ski & Swim accessory trunks it will Blow.  Their.  Minds.

Update:  Make a list of words for rap songs.  Lob-stah.  Mob-stah.

UpdateII: On the other hand, you can't swing a lobster up there without hitting a Russian.



  1. Oh, this is so good. I SWEAR just yesterday I was driving behind a truck that needed to be washed & someone had taken their finger & written "Lavar me" across the back windshield. It was great!

  2. It sure is nice to have another perspective on us New England hicks from someone who is from another part of our nation and a good, observant writer.

    Lazarus Long

  3. Hicks everywhere, including yours truly. Hicks drive the world.
