Thursday, August 14, 2008

Springfield 1903 Match at Camp Perry

  The usual.  We shoot, talk, wave old guns around.  All on Viale range down in the little numbers near the tree line on the 200 yard berm.  Five sighters and then ten shots slow fire prone, ten shots rapid fire in 80 seconds prone, 10 shots offhand standing in ten minutes.

  Rick Crawford shoots a 1903 left handed, Justin Utley shoots a 1903A3 in a green jacket.  Gregg Foster scores.  All TSRA National Match Team Members.

  We just started shooting the CMP matches after the State Matches finished up.  Lots of fun.  We shot Springfield, Garand, Vintage and a couple of folks shot M1 Carbine.

  Rick got Gold I think.  I got a Silver.  Gregg got a Silver.  Utley got a T-shirt.


  1. Watching the boys get ready to shot at Camp Perry really brings back memories of the Edaon Range at Camp Pendelton.
    The big difference was the guy helping with your sling did it with the toe of his boot.

  2. Sorry for the type-o,
    the Edson Range at Camp Pendelton.
    Semper Fi!

  3. That boot-toe assistance is a Marine Technique. I heard you also could get pointers from a cleaning rod.

  4. Yeah, 'cleaning rod' assistance at basic training range at Fort Lewis, WA. After consistently cleaning all my targets for two days straight, the rod got spared and I was asked to coach the slower learners. Watching a "city kid" drop the longer range pop-ups was a lot of fun.

    Lazarus Long

  5. A 1903 left handed. . .
    I'll have to try that. I can do the Mosin straight bolt pretty well from the off side, but haven't had the opportunity to try the bent bolt of the M1903 and M1917.
