Friday, August 15, 2008

Fed-Ex Stealing Guns

 Folks like this make everyone suffer.  Fed-Ex and UPS won't ship handguns anymore except by the most expensive overnight shipping, because overnight has slightly better security or there is less time to steal them.  These guys stole 146 handguns and nobody did anything or even seemed to notice until the neighborhood where they were actually selling the guns on the street complained.  The answer will be: make it MORE expensive to ship guns or cut out shipping them at all.

  That's 146 claims with paperwork.  146 packages missing out the gate.  146 people on the other end having to sort out what the heck happened.  It's computerized.  You could sit at a laptop and compile the stats.  Two guys are doing it.

  I had a Les Baer match .45 go from Champions Choice to the Louisville UPS hub last year....and vanish.  Seems like the BATFE could solve these cases quickly.  The guns are logged in and out.  Packages tracked every moment.  You know who is working.  There are video cams everywhere.  Hello?  If that didn't work you could run a sting in the facility without much problem.

  Some gangbanger in Cinncinnatti probably bought my Les Baer at a bargain price.  I'd love to know where it is right now.  It's illegal, by the way, to steal guns, steal guns in transit, sell stolen guns or possess stolen guns in a city where handguns are prohibited.  Some of those are State law and some federal laws.

  They will probably let these guys go after a harsh talking to.  

Update: Gungeek, who has better reading comprehension and a cooler head than I pointed out in comments that it was one gun, then two shipments containing the rest, not 146 individual packages.  He's right.  I'm still mad about my Les Baer though.


  1. Actually, it's not 146 claims or missing packages. It's only 3.

    He stole one single gun, then a box of 75 and then another box of 70. The two big boxes were going to an importer.

  2. Just a note. I understand WHY you're upset about this, but you can't take it personally as a gun thing. This is the way Fed Ex & UPS operate. I cannot tell you how much trouble we've had with them - UPS particularly. I know that we're only losing school photos when they disappear -that they're not being sold on the street - but I can tell you their security & quality control suck. And when WE have something "disappear" we have to remake them. ASAP. Thousands of photos. They're not replaceable by just getting more off the shelf. I once had a UPS driver ask me if I'd ever seen their hub in Garland (I think - somewhere in the Dallas area). When I said no, he laughed & said it was a "piece of work". In addition, despite what they tell you, it's not that easy to track a package if it hasn't yet been scanned at a certain location. They only know where it LAST was - not where it NOW is. This applies to both companies, although we've had problems with FEd EX especially
    re: this.

    This was just waiting to happen. Guns are an easy item to sell & an easy item for people to get upset about. If IPODS were the political football that guns are, both FedEx & UPS would insist they be shipped NDA also.

    I may be wrong - it MAY be a gun thing, but from my experience with these companies, I doubt it. If it IS, then it's just matter of time before they stop allowing shipment of firearms & ammo totally. Time for someone with some $$ to start a new shipping business, specializing in this stuff.

  3. They will probably let these guys go after a harsh talking to.

    Of course they will. You can't blame them, after all, if there weren't things to steal they would be honest guys.

    It's all our fault for sending stuff worth stealing, instead of proposals for zillion dollar contracts that if they aren't delivered the next day are lost, but they'll give you back your $20.00!

    I think I share your disgust and anger over here.
