Monday, August 18, 2008


 My post on Jury Nullification got me to thinking about Outlaws, which was a good thing- one of the women who works at a store we frequent wanted me to see her pistol.  I only wanted to buy a vitamin pill or two but she hauled me into the back room and dumped her purse on the counter.  She had a long-barreled .38 Colt Police Positive (Mk1) in there...PLUS a single action Colt .45 revolver.  An OLD woman.  (68)  Two BIG pistols.  Both loaded.  One little purse.  I believe this woman wouldn't hesitate in a second in shooting an offensive person in the face.  No CHL.  Big Outlaw.
  She told me she doesn't wear a seatbelt either, which will get you in REAL trouble these days.  Forget the pistols.
  Of course, the county tolerates about 25,000 Mexican citizens who have footwalked walked up here from Quernovachetaha, no papers, no taxes, no insurance, no inspections, no nothing, cash only, so maybe a 68 year-old broad with two pistols and a brand-new unused seat belt in her 1993 Buick is the wave of the future.
  Speaking of outlaws we have a County Constable who is on trial for sexual harassment, illegal records, stealing, et, et.  ( Another constable shop was stealing  anything good out of the evidence locker, a third constable, voted out, stole everything when he left, guns, cars, radios, records.)  His security company (the first constable) was in charge of security at a big horse racing event that had over 600 people attending.  Some guy got shot deader than a hammer but nobody saw anything or spoke any english so they all got in their uninsured unlicensed cars and left.  No legal horse racing in Smith County either.
  Maybe I am taking this seat-belt thing too seriously.  Big outlaws everywhere.

Update:  She probably had a copy of "Hell, I Was There!" in that purse.


  1. Anybody that is willing to walk across the Chiuahuan desert just to try and find a low paying job with no benefits should be given a medal for bravery or stuppidity.

    That ain't no easy trip! But then maybe they figure they'll be better off once they get to the greatest country on earth.

  2. "Better off" Huh? so they can be taken advantage of by being payed below a living wage? or how about no workers comp?
    This poor man was killed and his employers didnt report the accident to their insurance or osha, nor did they compensate the family. disgusting.
    That's the result of illegal workers.
