Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bigfoot vs Bears

  If we can't have Bigfoot, maybe at least we can get a bear or two.
  Pretty good story on a bear trying to eat a kid that smelled like fried chicken.  Wonder if it was Churchs or KFC?  I'm thinking KFC in Kentucky, though it could be any local brand.  Maybe even Carls?
  Probably not funny at the time but shows how hostile and aggressive the genus homo can become if properly motivated.  Remember the chimps that tore the penis off their former owner when he showed up to wave at them through the bars?  There's a lesson for you. 
  Forget "Do you Want to Be a Millionaire".....how about, "Bear?  Or no Bear?"  Davy used to grin them down out of a tree.  This guy ran out of his shoes and then had to use a little bear-fu to get his kid loose.  Wonder if the guy was a big Ultimate Fighting fan or just TV Wrestling?
  Either way, this guy ought to be on Survivor or at least sing the Star Spangled Banner at the Super Bowl.  Wearing the shoes.
  The word from the Texas parks and Wildlife, who oversee all the doetag shooting that's going to commence in October up in Clarksville, Texas is that we are going to see bears very soon.  They are moving into the ecosystem.  A small black bear got run over by a truck on Interstate 30 a couple years back.  That's south of the farm. 
  Sounds like goodbye to some deer feeders.  If I'm having coon problems, just ramp it up to a  10X coon that can disassemble a feeder, eat the Moultrie and forage around for warm shoes.

Update:  I nominate this guy to receive a copy of "Hell, I Was There!"

Update II:  On his way to the bear, if you offered the guy a choice of:

1.  One month marriage to Pamela Anderson.
2.  10,000 dollars in small bills.
3.  Free gas for one year.
4.  An illegal, unregistered fully-automatic firearm with a full magazine, the possession of which will land you in Federal Prison for ten years.

  Wonder which one he would choose?

Moral: Even if you are in a hurry, choose wisely.


  1. Remember the first episode of "Weeds"? "Don't Miss the Bear."

  2. i'm still trying to figure out if "Sasquatch" is Bigfoot's name, or if that's the name of his species
