Friday, September 16, 2011

Daily Deercam: First buck of the year.

Both the spotted fawns are little bucks.

Little year and a half buck getting interested.

Skinny little doe on the same cam.

Can see ribs on the grown does. Dry range conditions for six months. They are usually down a bit, but this seems excessive. Very glad to have corn.

Still having cam problems. Some of them turned out to be on the reader I was using at the computer. It's replaced. I'll keep trying. The cam counter would say there were photos but when the card went in to computer port it would register as 'No photos or video." I changed ports. Helped on one card.


  1. The Obama ads are there. Just have to click on the little arrows to scroll to the next set of ads. I've had Obama boosting your ammo fun fairly regularly. :-)

  2. Boy, those DO look bad... way too skinny for this time of year.

  3. I think we need to fatten the deer up first. But there are certainly a lot of them.

  4. Thanks for the clicks! It's hard to make it in Obama's Hard America, but it helps to get some adsense money.
