Sunday, August 8, 2010

Monday's Pizza.

Justin Utley, Me, Troxell and Foster shooting the Vintage Match.

K31 Swiss recoil.

California Junior Team Member.

Clay Hefner and Mom Hefner before the Infantry Trophy Match.

One of the TSRA Infantry Trophy Teams.

Infantry Trophy and the CMP Games weekend. Kind of a different crowd. Our fellow Texan State Team shooters heading out. Another year over. Rick and I staying on for the NRA Championships. Traded my CMP ID tag for a new NRA hat tag. New Sheriff in town. Moved into a hut. Haven't stayed in a hut in six years. They are new and improved and there is no driving. Rough though. I remember Richard Shultz and Gary Shannon prepping the hut back in the day. Schultz strung clotheslines and stapled up curtains, put a flamingo out front so you could find it. I think there might be a story about Schultz coming back from a trip to the bathroom in the dark to the wrong hut. Used to keep 12 German POWs in here. Then the National Matches used them. Still got the old rifle rack on the wall.


  1. Hope y'all did good! Enjoy the NRA shoot too!

  2. Robert,
    Sorry we missed you during the as-issued matches.
    Lazarus Long from Vermont
