Sunday, August 15, 2010

Food Bag.

Food Bag on the bench at Rodriegez Range.

I ate the martini olives. I ate the Whole Foods Apple Bars. The Buffalo Jerky went quick as well as the apricots. Little boxes of raisins came and went. Wished I had more pecans to go with the block of bittersweet chocolate Katie brought from Whole Foods in Austin. One morning I finished some fresh blueberries. Had bananas but never carried them. Ate Pizza slices for a few days left over from Pizza Inn Deluxe. Took a load of raw food Larabars. Ate one. They are probably the perfect range food, but you just never work up a craving for a Larabar. Had three precious buttermilk pies from Taco Wacco. Very satisfying.

Brought about ten Larabars home along with a chunk of chocolate. Next match.

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