Tuesday, August 3, 2010

EIC/LEG Match, Camp Perry

Dead Canada Goose, Rodreigez Range, Camp Perry.

Part deux.

100 yard line.

Trampus and some Junior girl from Missouri.

Nice bunch of folks on the firing point with me, Point 12 on Rodreigez Range at Camp Perry. Six to a point and you get to work with nearly everyone during a day's time. Mix of new folks and experienced hands all around.
This was the longest day, six relays for a full 50 point match. Overcast with the wind rising and falling. I had an OK day shooting. Standing was low at 93X1. Very dim target in the overcast morning. Sitting not very good with 97X1, including an 8 I shot out the top. I saw it, of course, just couldn't do anything about it. 300 rapid was a 99X4 with a tricky wind call. Hit it just right, shot a nine out the top. 600 ran well with two minutes of windage on the rifle. 195X6. Finished in the Gold Medal bunch with a 484X12. 53rd place. Justin Utley was 50th place with more Xs. Gregg Troxell Legged out and finished his Distinguished Badge.

At 300 a flight of Canada Geese flew across the target faces the trailing bird got hit. I heard the story and set off to find the guy and see the goose. I did both. He said he never saw the geese but several other folks did. He was missing a bullet on his target. The goose was shot cleanly through the neck about four inches behind the head. I walked down to see it at the pit change. No tags on the goose, a grown juvenile.