Sunday, August 29, 2010

Counting deer at Clarksville.

Basic count tools: Old Bronco and a smart kid.

A Saturday night deer count by four of us, (a record) Fun time but it makes for a verylate night. 2:00am getting back home to Tyler after the count wrapped in a 250 mile drive.
41 deer. Almost none in the dry pastures away from the main creekbottom. 34 in that creekbottom. Pretty rough range conditions this year for horn growth.
41 is about half of our high year totals.
Beautiful stars up in Red River County. The milky Way was clear and bright in the sky and the planets looked very close. When the Moon came up we had distinct shadows laid across the pastures.
Have to do three spotlight surveys to get the data to the state so they will issue Managed Land Permit tags. Two more to go.

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