Thursday, June 3, 2010


A Big Pistol.

Winchester. One of One Thousand. I was impressed that someone who owned the "One of One Thousand" would actually use it as a working rifle. This beauty had been shot a lot.

Too strange an angle. Needed one more reflector to light up that big peepsight. Got the reflector in the peepsight on the final files. The Good Doctor is holding this rifle while it stands muzzle down on a piece of foamcore.

Background too lit. Old Mexican rug in the background, side-lit. Rifles on tape covered bricks on one end and more wood blocks and clamps on the other. Sneed handholding the barrel end of the rear rifle and monitoring both.

Too much or not enough something. Background a new wool army blanket liberated from the mop closet at Camp Swift during the Highpower Championship. Pistols on dowel rods. Rods in a 2X8 wood block with various angle holes drilled all over.

A perfectly good steampunk Volcanic. Pistol sitting on small squares of black foamcore, not the rock. They had three Volcanics. I don't know why I didn't shoot a group of three. Next year. I like this photo but didn't send it. Sent the pair on red deerhide instead.

Not making the cut. Pistols vertical on wooden dowel rods in holes in a 2X8 block. Old 500 yard rifle target background.

I shoot a lot more than we ever use and edit until the end. I try not to send too much...keep it simpler for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Granted, they may not be perfect shots, but again, beautiful work!
