Monday, January 18, 2010

Daily Deercam

Three deer at the close feeder.

Two does the hard way.

Possum. The cam used to be on the little tree trunks to his upper right. It looked south, so now its switched looking North. Not as dramatic but the light is better.

Fresh recharged lantern battery for across the creek plus corn. Other cams running. Walked a bit looking for a place to move the third cam....just can't find anything likely. Did find a clean dog skull from group that crossed me when I was carrying suppressed 10/22. Lots of great habitat.

Holly Lake Ranch, a retirement area has a big deer problem. 1800 deer wandering around eating everything. It's past deer season. They can't think of what to do so they scheduled another meeting.


  1. What is sad is the fact that the "love Bambi" crowd don't understand that overpopulation will hurt their precious deer more than a good cull hunt.

  2. Robert,

    Do you have feral hogs yet?

  3. bows. we use archery up here in the towns. Seems to help some.

  4. That comment about trapping is LOL.
    Has anyone ever trapped a whitetail?
    Paul has it. Arrows are nice and quiet.

  5. Actually Robert helped me turn a nubbin buck loose a few years ago. It had been caught in a feral hog trap and was NOT happy about it. It went about its fawn duties most expeditiously upon release.
