Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday AM: Who ELSE didn't get photographed?

One of the twins. Crazy antlers. Looks healthy though and has made it to December without being blasted by some enthusiastic hunter. Maybe he'll grow to be a big atypical. Interesting split-base double on this side and palmation on the other.

Little buck about an hour before I got there. Not the one that later walked under me. The width of his antlers is very close to legal shooting width, but he's just a youngster. Nice genetics.

37 degrees in the tree with a rare East wind. I sit on the west side of the three-foot trunk so I had a little shelter. Overcast. 37 is about as cold as I want to tree sit. Little buck wandered out of the center of the field soon after I got set. He must have been out in the grass when I came up the pipeline. Not shootable at all, just a little 1 1/2 year old bopping around. He was downwind but never quivered a nostril. Walked as close as he could get to me without climbing the ladder. I'm usually tempted to drop a pine cone on them this close but there just wasn't anything at hand. Could have bombed him with the water bottle or given him the cold shower but I just sat. He checked the licking branch at the scrape. Scrape was full of fresh doe do. (scattered, not clumpy) Now at the computer I'm finding zero files of him or the doe. Hmmm. Who else didn't get photographed? I'd take 100 files of moving grass to missing one of a whole deer standing there. He was glossy and healthy. Nice little deer. Three years from trophy status. All of them.
Called it off at 9:00 as the wind picked up and a mist set in. Went to meet my redhead for breakfast at Cafe Tazza.
Its a cold gray day out.

1 comment:

  1. "Went to meet my redhead for breakfast at Cafe Tazza. Cold."

    The redhead? Or breakfast?
