Friday, December 18, 2009

Getting closer.

George Foreman at Tyler Junior College.

Got to watch and listen to George Foreman at Tyler Junior College. Impressive guy.

Spent two days photographing workers inside Good Shepherd Hospital in the town next door. Nice folks every one. Young nurses, doctors, retirees stepping in as volunteers, housekeeping, IT, maintenance men, security, lab techs: the full catastrophe. Most folks looking forward to Christmas. Candy in a jar on every desk, decorations and a dozen times I had to move signs advertising a sale of 5$ jewelry in the lobby. Only made two bad photos out of the 50 or so people I worked with. Not bad.

Glad to have the experience and the work. Christmas nearly here.


  1. I'm beginning to think George Foreman is never going to age.

  2. Glad you got a chance to have some fun and work at the same time! Tis the season alright...
