Monday, December 28, 2009

Gaylord Texan Resort

Another shirt with no pockets!

20 degrees inside the exhibit and they issue huge parkas.....with no pockets. You're in Whoville with the gay designers!

Katie with the Grinch.

Overnight at the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine. Luxurious joint. We just went up for a long overnight. Room with a balcony overlooking the huge atrium. Toured the Grinch ice show. Watched the Cowboys beat Washington on several big screens. Benign crowd with lots of kids around. Americans at leisure. No guns. The only gun nut I saw was a five year old with a popgun plastic rifle who ran up the sidewalk in the standard combat stance: rifle held in both hands across body. I hope he found something good to shoot at. He was certainly enjoying his combat assault across the atrium.

Coming back the Redhead counted 53 hawks along I635/Hwy80/I-20. Most of them big juveniles with mottled brown backs and chests. Migration time. When we drove out of the flyway, ending east of Terrell the numbers really dropped off.

Update: Busty Escorts of London is reading Blackforkblog! The BIG Guns!


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  2. You have to wonder what it is about your blog that attracted the attention of the lousy spammer listed above.

    I know that Texans are a strange lot (I am married to one), but not that strange!

  3. Texans are all about busty London escorts, but I am not sure you can get those bombs through international airline security anymore!

  4. LOL- Good luck getting rid of them...
